
*Please note, sessions are now £60 as of September 1st 2023*

Barbara Zair - Bowen Therapist CBS

The Bowen Technique is suitable for men, women and children of all ages and levels of fitness. This gentle treatment can help acute and chronic conditions.

Some common conditions which have responded to The Bowen Technique:

- Back, Neck and Knee Pain
- Acute and chronic musculoskeletal problems
- Sports injuries: Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome
- Chronic Fatigue including symptoms of ME and MS
- Migraines, headaches and whiplash
- Asthma and hayfever
- Kidney problems
- IBS and hormonal imbalance

Bowen is becoming increasingly accepted as an alternative form of therapy to help prevent and aid recovery from injuries. It is becoming more widely used in the world of professional sport.